An Post Tracking

An Post Tracking
An Post Tracking

An Post is an Irish Courier brand which offers a wide variety of services. They are a large organisation encompassing postal, distribution, and financial services. The following guide is meant to help you track your courier shipped via their company. Read on to find out how.

Steps to Track

Tracking your An Post Courier is quite easy. All you need is the Tracking Number which you get along with your Waybill. A Waybill is a legal contract which binds their enterprise as the legal holder of responsibility for the courier being shipped and the contents inside it until the time it gets delivered to the correct address. Apart from doubling up as a receipt of sales, it also acts as insurance against false legal theft impersonation and theft claims. Hence, the longstanding tradition of the Waybill is still being followed. Follow the steps below to track your courier:

  1. Find your Tracking Number on your Waybill.
  2. Enter the Tracking Number in the text field.
  3. Click on Track.

That’s it! You can now track your courier as it travels through various parts around the UK.

Tracking with our Tool

Tracking with our Tracking Tool is extremely simple. You simply need to enter the Tracking Number into the text field and click on Track. The location and results will open up in a new window to show you where your courier has been and will be.

Customer Support and Helpline

Delivering Couriers can be a very difficult job. It requires paramount amounts of precision and punctuality. The slightest of mistakes can send the company scuttering to recover their losses. Despite the best of care given to your courier, anything can happen to it. It can get lost or stolen. Alternatively, it can be damaged in transit. Or even further, it can simply get delivered to the wrong address. And that’s just a few things that can go wrong.

However, if everything goes as is expected, your courier will reach the destination safe and sound and on time, like it usually does. Hence, if you wish to show An Post some appreciation for their commendable service, give them some feedback, lodge a complaint, raise an issue, or simply put forth new business opportunities, you can reach out to them via the following means:

  • You can send them a mail at
    General Post Office,
    O’Connell Street Lower, Dublin 1,
    D01 F5P2, Ireland.
  • You can call them on 1850 30 50 60.
  • You can fill in their contact form and await a response from them.
  • You can email them at

Kindly remember that we are merely here to guide you with tracking your courier. We own no responsibility for your courier or the contents within it.


An Post is Ireland’s State company meant for the State’s Postal service as well as Financial service. They started out as a solely postal service back in the early seventeenth century. Since then, they have also expanded into telephone and television service providers as well, heading into the telecommunications sector in addition to postage and finance. They were initially meant for the educated and wealthier classes. Since the Victorian era, with an increase in the availability of education, their customer base also grew to be much larger than what it was initially.

Currently, they provide post and courier services all over the UK. Furthermore, they also support international postage to the USA. Not only that, but they also provide telephone and television services in addition to their postage services. They also provide financial services such as savings and insurance accounts as well as money exchange firms within the UK and the USA wherein you can exchange money between US Dollars, Euros and the British Pounds. Their postal services include same day post, next day post, and international posts as well. They also post books across seas and nations at a discount to promote the joy of reading books as well. They play a major role in Corporate Social Responsibility and work on spreading education to children around the world.

The Achievements

An Post is primarily based out of Dublin, Ireland. However, being the State Postal Service, they’ve been around for quite a long time and are present in more than just Ireland. They actively provide all their services all over the UK as well as the USA. They have overseas postal shipments capable of reaching all places around the globe. Their financial service will allow you to exchange currency between the US Dollar, the Euros, and the British Pound anywhere across America and the United Kingdom. Their Telecommunications services exist solely within the State of Ireland.


An Post charges various prices for various services. Their services are primarily divided into one of four regions, Zone 1 being Ireland, Zone 2 being Britain, Zone 3 being Europe, and Zone 4 pertaining to the Rest of the World. Below is a list of prices for their services:

Standard Courier Service

The Standard Courier Service takes anywhere from 3 to 10 days to be delivered to the destination. The rates are as follows:


Ireland Great Britain Europe Rest of the World
1 Kg 8.00 22.50 28.00


2 Kg

9.00 31.00 35.50 35.50
3 Kg 11.00 38.00 44.00


4 Kg

13.50 42.50 57.00 57.00
5 Kg 15.50 46.50 67.00


Express Courier Service

The Express Courier Service can be delivered within the same day, or by the next day. It is a premium service which offer quick service for premium prices which are as follows:


Ireland Great Britain Europe Rest of the World
1 Kg 15.40 22.50 59.50


2 Kg

17.90 47.50 70.50 73.00
3 Kg 20.00 53.50 78.50


4 Kg

22.00 59.50 86.50 91.00
5 Kg 24.00 65.50 94.50



All of the above prices are in Euros. These are generalised price charts to help you as a form of reference. They are not entirely accurate. You can find the full list of charges as found on their website here. For any other queries, kindly contact them.


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